Lies we tell ourselves as game developers

I can make this game in 3 months.

It will go faster this time.

If I work nights and weekends, my project will get back on track.

I don't have time to take a day off. I'll find a better work/life balance when this project is done.

They told me this game was exactly what they wanted but they hated my demo. I guess it's just not for them.

This new planning tool will solve all my problems.

Our production is a mess and we're missing all of our goals. Maybe we just need a few more processes and rules...

Lots of people love X, and lots of people love Y, so surely all of those people will love my game that's X+Y.

It's not that fun yet, but if I just add one more thing...

If I can just hire someone to take this thing off my plate, I'll have a lot more time.

We got so much done with just two people! Imagine what we'll do with 6.

They didn't show up for me this time, or the last time, but maybe if I give them one more chance...

They're not doing great work right now. Maybe if I promise them a revenue share...

We're all on the same page about the game we're making.

I don't need to playtest my game, that's what Early Access is for.

We only finished 80% of what we wanted to do this sprint, but we're already behind schedule so I'll just put the rest of those tasks in the backlog and move onto the next feature...

Everyone else has it figured out, there must be something uniquely wrong with me.